Officiate/Life-cycle Ceremonies
We all have moments in our lives that are markers of growth and transition. From the moment we are born we move from one stage to another, reaching new plateaus. Judaism is a container to hold precious moments and lift them to the sublime. Whether in joy or sadness, we focus and honor time and its meaning in our lives.
Bringing a child into the world is the greatest joy and our tradition welcomes each child into the community with the gift of a name, one that will define and hold their precious soul. With creative planning each child, boy or girl, is welcomed with song and precious words.
When a child becomes thirteen they enter into adulthood according to our tradition. They take on the responsibility of the mitzvot and can be counted in a minyan, a Jewish court and may lead a service. It is also a time of tremendous change of mind, body and spirit and this ceremony is a unique and special 'rite of passage' that helps to build confidence, expand skills and wisdom, and most importantly build character.
As an adult there are many moments of development and achievement in work and in relationship. None more important than the complete commitment to another, embracing a life of shared experiences. The Jewish wedding is considered a holy endeavor, K'dushin, vowing, by the laws of Moses and Israel, to completely surrender to one another, in kindness, fidelity, and love.
As we come to the end of our journeys, Judaism honors both the body and the soul. In preparation for burial the body is washed and blessed, while our tradition believes the soul moves on to the next dimension of existence. This is an important time to celebrate and honor the one who departs from our life and our hearts, with words of consolation, inspirational music and final loving remarks from family and friends.
Rabbi and Cantor Eva's patient, compassionate and encouraging style supports and directs each and every life-cycle ceremony; weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, funerals, baby naming, Tefillin ceremony, dedicating a new home etc. She is available to serve each family in their unique and personal way. She both uses her words and her music to lift the spirits of all present and elevate each moment to 'holiness' and 'wholeness.' Please feel free to contact her for inquiries.
"We were very fortunate to have Rabbi/Cantor Eva officiate at our very special occasion as our daughter was called to Torah to become a Bat Mitzvah. Rabbi Eva is a wonderful teacher and mentor with amazing life lessons and an amazing voice. She made the services very holy. Thank you Rabbi, for all you have done for our daughter."
Izabella and Shane Khazai
"Standing under the Chuppah at our wedding, that Rabbi Cantor Eva crafted herself, we were truly surrounded by angels. Her voice soars to the heavens, and her spirit shines so brightly on this earth that needs it so dearly."
Rabbi Shana Chandle
Bringing K'dushah to this beautiful moment.
So proud of my two young ladies who became Bat Mitzvah together in shared ceremony.
Study is a very important value in Judaism. From our earliest formation as a people in the desert over 3000 years ago, we were handed laws, mitzvot and teachings publicly to all, male and female, young and old, creating a democratic society and a continually informed people. Each week we study Torah and are encouraged to dig into the wisdom of our sages, constantly expanding our minds and our pool of experiential resources.
Rabbi Eva teaches Torah every 2nd Shabbat in her home to a group of woman. Using her personal and spiritual approach she lifts the veil to see the hidden pearls of wisdom and its impact on our lives.
Rabbi Eva prepares children for Bar/Bat Mitzvah, teaching Hebrew, chanting skills, and the meaning of the prayers and the Torah portion for that child. She focuses on the spirit and believes these years are important in the development of a connection to the tradition, their family heritage, and building character. Each child receives her maternal and loving care and is guided to stand before the ark, their family and their friends with confidence and pride.
Judaism is a treasure and Rabbi Eva takes great joy in mentoring anyone who wants to complete a journey towards becoming a Jew. In her personal and spiritual style, she teaches a program which includes studying our history, texts, holidays, rituals and prayers leading to a conversion ceremony.
For many years Rabbi Eva taught Jewish meditation at the Adult School of the American Jewish University. She continues both privately and in group (sometimes with her husband) to teach this important spiritual practice based on Jewish principles. With her understanding of Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, she helps others access their inner landscape and find a connection to the Divine.
Rabbi Eva also makes this spiritual awareness part of her teachings for children. "In times of anxiety and fear, learning this special triangular breath, based on Jewish principles, can bring clarity, calm and connection to the Divine."
"Thank you Rabbi Eva for taking time to teach us. I learned that in every person is a spark of God. I would love to learn more..." Cameron
"Thank you for coming to our class. I learned about the Jewish body and how to get calm by breathing." Emma
"Rabbi/Cantor Eva's work was amazing. She found the speciallness in each one of our boys, nurtured it and elevated both of them. They stood with poise and self-confidence. We can not thank her enough for her presence and positive influence on our children"
Darius and Shiela Moezinia
Facilitate/Workshop settings
Sharing with others one's personal journey and spiritual exploration is a great comfort and personal reward. Woman who come together to find deeper meaning in their lives, find a community that often resonates with the same yearnings, fears, losses, and hopes. Rabbi Eva offers guidance and leadership in searching for those liminal moments through study, movement, meditation and song.
She has led workshops on preparation for upcoming holy days, bringing deep insight into their meaning from our tradition on its soul's journey. Whether finding the 'chametz' in the crevices of our spirits, the wayward acts that remove us from ourselves, others and the Divine, finding the blocked emotional energy locked in the 'sefirot' of our Tree of Life, learning to survive and thrive as a caregiver, or expanding our souls as we travel into our elder years, Rabbi Eva uses Jewish wisdom and spiritual practice to open new pathways of well-being and bring greater enlightenment into our consciousness. She is available for individual or group study of her unique and special breathing technique and meditation skills.
Please go to the Contact page for upcoming events and to also leave your name and email address. Please be sure to go to Thoughts to read her D’rashot and musings on Torah, spirit, and the challenges in our lives.
"I was fortunate to participate in an inspiring day-long workshop led by the multifaceted Eva Robbins, accomplished Rabbi, Cantor, spiritual guide and scholar. She brings her wit, warmth and guitar, but mostly her wonderful self...It has become cliche in our times to use the term 'being present,' but Rabbi Eva it is genuine and meaningful because she does just that. She brings her whole self to each person she touches." Naomi Hecht
"Thank you for an afternoon that promoted quiet and introspection that is much needed."
Finding a moment of inner connection with deep belly breathing.
"Through text, meditation, movement, and song, the presence of the Shechinah filled the room, renewing, strengthening and imparting new meaning to each participant in our workshop 'A spiritual preparation for Passover.'
D'vorah Epstein McDonald